
The Administrator manages the website ("Website"), where users ("Contractors") create questionnaires, and the Administrator provides an opportunity for third parties ("Clients") to get acquainted with information about Performers. The questionnaires contain various information about the Contractor, in particular about the services offered, his or her location, external data, etc. As a user of the Website, the Customer can view profiles, contact the Contractor via the Website for personal purposes. The Administrator shall not be responsible for the motives that guide the Clients in their interactions with the Contractors. The Administrator does not organize and control the interaction between the Providers and the Clients and does not charge any money for the interaction between the Contractors and the Clients. The Administrator does not charge the Client a fee for the examination of the Contractors’ questionnaires and interaction with them.

The use of the Website is prohibited to persons under the age of majority in accordance with local jurisdiction. Any third party under the age of majority must cease using the Website immediately.

The Client/Contractor expressly acknowledges that he is solely responsible for all use of the Website as well as for any interaction with the Providers.

In case of violation of the rules or laws in the applicable jurisdictions by the Contractors, when placing information on the Website, the Administrator undertakes to remove this information upon a request from the copyright holder or other person whose rights have been violated when placing information on the Website by the Contractor.

A third party who requests the Administrator to delete information that violates his or her rights must prove that he or she has the relevant rights.

1. Changes to this user agreement.

  • This User Agreement applies to the relationship between the Administrator and the Clients/Contractors when viewing/posting information on the Website.
  • The Administrator reserves the right to amend this User Agreement at any time without the consent and notification of the Client/Contractor. By using the Website you give your consent to join this User Agreement. The Administrator strongly recommends all users of the Website to check this User Agreement regularly in order to be aware of any changes that may have been made to it. In case of disagreement with this User Agreement or at least one of its provisions, the Client/Contractor must immediately cease using the Website.

2. Registration of the contractor. Account of the contractor.

  • A third party accedes to this User Agreement and becomes a Contractor at the moment of registration and placement of the questionnaire on the Website. The Contractor must be at least 18 (21 in some countries) years of age to create an account on the Website and use it. By creating an account and using the Website, the Contractor declares and guarantees that he or she undertakes to comply with this User Agreement and all applicable local, state, national and international laws and regulations.
  • Prior to completing the registration procedure on the Website, the Client has limited access to the Website and its functional features. In order to get access to the full scope of functional features of the Website, the Client must register on the Website. As a result of registration of the Client on the Website a unique Client account is created, and the User gains access to the Personal Account.
  • The Unique Account contains personal information of the Client/Contractor provided by the Client/Contractor when registering on the Website. The Administrator is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by the Client/Contractor.
  • Personal information of the Client/Contractor shall be stored and processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons.
  • The Client/Contractor shall be solely responsible for the security and confidentiality of the information he or she posts on the Website.
  • In case of loss of access to the Personal Account, the Client/Contractor has the right to make its replacement using a special form on the Website.
  • Actions carried out using your personal account on the Website shall be equal to actions carried out with a simple electronic digital signature.
  • Client/Contractor undertakes not to create duplicates of questionnaires and profiles.
  • Administrator grants the Client/Contractor a simple (non-exclusive) license to use the functional features of the Website that allow the Client/Contractor to perform all actions provided for in this User Agreement. The specified license is provided free of charge for the period of actual use of the functional features of the Website by Client/Contractor. The specified license does not give the right to issue sublicenses.

3. Procedure for obtaining access to the website.

  • Administrator grants the Client/Contractor a simple (non-exclusive) license to use the functional features of the Website that allow the Client/Contractor to perform all actions provided for in this User Agreement. The specified license is provided free of charge for the period of actual use of the functional features of the Website by Client/Contractor. The specified license does not give the right to issue sublicenses.
  • The Client/Contractor is prohibited from disrupting the normal operation of the Website, uploading, sending, transmitting or in any other way distributing materials that contain viruses or other computer codes, files, programs designed for disruption, destruction or restriction the functionality of the Website or to gain unauthorized access to the Website.
  • The Administrator has the right to send to the Client/Contractor advertising and information messages to the e-mail address specified by the Client when registering on the Website.
  • The Administrator provides Clients with access to the profiles created by the Contractors and to the information they contain (data, images, videos, etc.). Using the Website, the Client can select profiles based on various criteria, in particular, the services offered by the Contractors and their costs, the location of the Contractors, the external details of the Contractors, as well as other information about the Contractors. The software used by the Website may determine the location of Clients and Contractors and transmit this to the Website.
  • The Administrator shall provide the Contractors with the opportunity to post information about themselves on the Website. When completing the questionnaire, the Contractor is asked to enter his/her personal details. Such information includes, but is not limited to, photos of the Contractor, video with the participation of the Contractor, information about the Contractor’s appearance, contact details, etc.
  • By posting the Questionnaire on the Website, the Contractor agrees that third parties visiting the Website (Clients) may apply to him or her for the provision of certain services. Clients may contact the Contractor using the built-in communication system available on the Website, or by contacting the Contractor using the contact details posted by the Contractor.
  • The information posted by the Contractor on the Website must not infringe the rights of third parties. The Administrator shall not be responsible for the information posted by the Contractor and shall have the right to remove it at the request of third parties whose rights have been violated in the manner described in the Preamble to this User Agreement.
  • In the event that the Client wishes to find out the contact details of the Contractor posted on the Website, he should click on the "Show telephone number" button contained in the form of the Contractor with whom he wishes to contact. In the event that the Client wishes to contact the Contractor without leaving the Website, he should click on the "CONTACT THIS EXPORT" button.
  • The Client has the right to leave feedback in the profiles of the Contractors, who provided him or her with certain services. The feedback provided must be reliable. Libel, as well as other reviews that negatively affect the honor and dignity of the Contractors, are not allowed.
  • The Administrator shall not be responsible for the services rendered by the Contractors to the Clients.
  • The Administrator does not publish profiles on the Website.

4. Content of the website

  • The Website is a collection of information, texts, materials, graphic elements, design, images, photos and videos, music, scripts, computer programs and other results of intellectual activity contained in the information system available on the Website.
  • The purpose of the Website is for Contractors - to post information about themselves and for Clients - to be informed of the Contractors' profiles containing this information.
  • The Administrator, at his own discretion, forms the content of the Website, modifies, updates the Website and its individual parts, determines the procedure for providing access to the Website, offers various services on the basis of the Website independently or in cooperation with third parties.
  • The Administrator shall have the right, at its discretion, to provide the Client with access to the Website as a whole or parts thereof, whether on a compensatory or non-repayable basis, to set restrictions on the use of the services of the Website for all Clients or for certain categories of Clients.

5. Responsibility of the parties

  • The Parties shall be liable in accordance with this User Agreement and international law for the non-performance or improper performance of obligations under this User Agreement.
  • The User uses the Website at his or her own risk. The Website and its services are provided to the User "as it is".
  • The Administrator does not guarantee that:
    1. 1. The Website and its functional features will comply with the requirements of the Client/Contractor.
    2. 2. Access to the Website and its functional features will be provided continuously, quickly, reliably and without errors.
    3. 3. The results that will be obtained using the Website will be accurate, reliable and can be used for any purpose or in any capacity.
    4. 4. The materials and information on the Website are up-to-date and compliant with the current legislation at the time of their viewing by the Client/Contractor.
    5. 5. The quality of the Website and its functional features will meet the expectations/requirements of the Client/Contractor.
  • The Website does not contain neither provide consultations. Any materials and information posted on the Website are the opinion of the authors of such materials and information and are not subject to verification by the Administrator. The Client/Contractor shall use the materials and information on the Website at his/her own risk and shall be solely responsible for any consequences of the use of such materials and information, including any losses that may be incurred directly or indirectly by the Client/ Contractor or third parties.
  • The Administrator, unless otherwise established, assumes that no material and/or neither information posted on the Website infringes the legal rights and interests of third parties. If any material/information on the Website is found to infringe the legal rights and interests of third parties, such material/information will be removed from the Website on the first request of the person whose legal rights and interests have been infringed.
  • The Administrator shall not be liable for any damages caused to the Client/Contractor as a result of using the Website, including loss of data, infection of the Client/Contractor's computer or other equipment with a computer virus, losses resulting from malware, phishing, fraud and other malicious and illegal activities of third parties on the Internet.
  • The Administrator is not responsible for advertisements posted on the Website.
  • The Website may contain links to third party websites on the Internet. These links do not constitute a recommendation or endorsement by the Administrator of such websites or the products offered on such websites. The persons who own such websites and their content are not checked by the Administrator for compliance with the requirements of the law. The Administrator shall not be responsible for the information and materials posted on the websites of third parties to which the Client/Contractor receives access through the Website, as well as for the availability of such websites, content, the content of advertising, opinions and statements on such websites and the consequences of their use.
  • The Client/Contractor undertakes not to upload, store, publish, distribute or provide access or otherwise use any information that:
    1. 1. contains pornography and/or sexually texts or scenes of a sexual nature involving minors and/or announcements of engaging minors as performers to participate in pornographic entertainment events;
    2. 2. contains a description of the means and methods of suicide, any incitement to commit suicide;
    3. 3. popularization and/or promotes racial, religious, national, ethnic hatred or enmity;
    4. 4. promotes a cult of violence and cruelty;
    5. 5. contains extremist materials;
    6. 6. promotes criminal activity or contains advice, instructions or guides for committing criminal acts;
    7. 7. contains limited access information, including, but not limited to, government and trade secrets, information on the private lives of third parties;
    8. 8. promotes or describes the attractiveness of the use of narcotic substances, contains information about the distribution of drugs, recipes for their manufacture and consumption advice, contains information about the ways, methods of development, manufacture and use of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances, places of their acquisition, ways and places of cultivation of drug plants;
    9. 9. is fraudulent in nature;
    10. 10. denigrates the honor, dignity, business reputation of others;
    11. 11. violates the privacy of other Users or third parties;
    12. 12. contains slander, rude and insulting expressions and suggestions, offensive language;
    13. 13. violates other rights of third parties and applicable international law.
  • The Administrator shall have the right to block the Client/Contractor’s access to the Website and/or Personal Account and/or services (including paid services) if the Client/Contractor violates the terms of this User Agreement, as well as if the Administrator considers the Client/Contractor's actions to be illegal, fraudulent or aimed at damaging the Website or undermining its reputation.

6. Intellectual property

  • All intellectual property objects ("Website Objects"), constituents of the Website and/or accessible by using the functional features of the Website, including, but not limited to, information, texts, materials, graphic elements, design, images, photos and videos, music, scripts, computer programs, services, structure - are the results of intellectual activity, all rights to which belong to the Administrator or other copyright holders. Other rights holders include, inter alia, the Contractors. Contractors are presumed to own the intellectual rights to the photographs they post in their profiles.
  • Use of Website Objects by the Client/Contractor is allowed only for personal non-commercial purposes within the framework of the Website functionality subject to the terms and within the limits stipulated by this User Agreement.
  • Any use of the Website Objects in a manner other than that provided for by the functionality of the Website, including their reproduction (copying by any means), any distribution, public disclosure and/or public display/performance, modification, processing, addition, creation of derivative and composite works, as well as use otherwise, including for commercial activities (for profit-making purposes) is not allowed without the prior written permission of the Administrator. Unauthorized use of the Website Objects is punishable under international law.
  • Quotation of Website Objects is allowed only if the author's name and active link to the Website are specified.
  • In order to prevent/clamp down unauthorized use of Website Objects, the Administrator has the right to use any technical means of protection - technologies, technical devices or their components, which control access to the Website Objects, prevent or limit actions which are not permitted by the Administrator in relation to the Website Objects. In particular, the Administrator shall be entitled to limit the number of Client/Contractor's devices from which access to the Website can be made at the same time.
  • Clients/Contractors posting reviews and comments ("Materials") containing text, content, graphics, designs, images, photos, videos and music provide the Administrator a worldwide, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, adapt, publish, translate and distribute their content in any existing or future media. The Client/Contractor guarantees that posting of such Materials does not violate copyrights and related rights of third parties, right to trade secrets of third parties; and at the moment of posting there are no circumstances which allow third parties to assert claims against the Administrator regarding rights to such Materials in the future. In the event of third party claims of infringement of their exclusive rights, the Administrator reserves the right to remove such Materials immediately upon submission of a claim.

7. Concluding provisions

  • If any provision of this User Agreement is or is found to be invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions of that Agreement will not be affected. Instead of an invalid provision, the effective provision that comes closest in economic terms to that desired by the parties shall be deemed to have been agreed.
  • The Administrator shall store and process the Client/Contractor’s personal data in accordance with the Privacy Policy posted on the Website.
  • This User Agreement only regulates the use of the Website by its Parties. This User Agreement does not establish an agency relationship between the Administrator and persons using the Website, does not mediate in the conclusion of service contracts between persons using the Website, as well as other transactions of a civil-law nature.
  • All disagreements and disputes between the Administrator and the Client/Contractor shall be settled primarily through negotiations. The Administrator and the Contractor are obliged to follow the pre-trial written complaint procedure for resolving disputes that arise. The Contractor shall send the claim to the Administrator by email to [email protected]. The time limit for responding to a complaint is fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of its receipt by the relevant Party of this User Agreement.
  • This User Agreement is governed by applicable international law.